134- O Jesus Sweet
Jesus Christ: Birth
- O Jesus sweet, O Jesus mild,
- Thy Father's will hast Thou fulfilled;
- For Thou hast left Thy heavenly throne
- Our lowly state to make Thine own.
- O Jesus sweet, O Jesus mild.
- O Jesus sweet, O Jesus mild,
- With joy hast Thou the whole world filled;
- Thou comest down from heaven's hall
- To comfort us whom tears enthrall.
- O Jesus sweet, O Jesus mild.
- O Jesus sweet, O Jesus mild,
- Thou art love's image undefiled.
- Inflame our hearts with love's pure fire,
- That we may share Thy heart's desire.
- O Jesus sweet, O Jesus mild.
- O Jesus sweet, O Jesus mild,
- Help us to do as Thou hast willed.
- What e'er we have belongs to Thee:
- O may we ever faithful be.
- O Jesus sweet, O Jesus mild.