169- Come, You Faithful
Jesus Christ: Resurrection and Ascension
- Come, you faithful, raise the strain
- Of triumphant gladness;
- God has brought His people forth
- Into joy from sadness.
- Now rejoice, Jerusalem,
- And with true affection
- Welcome in unwearied strains
- Jesus' resurrection.
- 'Tis the spring of souls today;
- Christ has burst His prison;
- From the frost and gloom of death
- Light and life have risen.
- All the winter of our sins,
- Long and dark, is flying
- From His light, to whom we give
- Thanks and praise undying.
- "Alleluia!" now we cry
- To our King immortal,
- Who, triumphant, burst the bars
- Of the tomb's dark portal;
- "Alleluia!" with the Son,
- God the Father praising;
- "Alleluia!" yet again
- To the Spirit raising.