179- The Wonders of Redeeming Love
Jesus Christ: Priesthood
- The wonders of redeeming love
- Our highest thoughts exceed;
- The Son of God comes from above
- For sinful man to bleed.
- He gives Himself, His life, His all,
- A sinless sacrifice.
- For man He drains the cup of gall,
- For man the victim dies.
- And now before His Father's face
- His precious blood He pleads;
- For those who seek the throne of grace
- His lovee still intercedes.
- He knows the frailties of our frame,
- For He has borne our grief;
- Our great High Priest once felt the same,
- And He can send relief.
- His love will not be satisfied,
- Till He in glory sees
- The faithful ones for whom He died
- From sin forever free.