18- O Morning Star How Fair and Bright
Worship: Adoration and Praise
- O Morning Star, how fair and bright!
- You shine with God's own truth and light,
- Aglow with grace and mercy!
- Of Jacob's race, King David's Son,
- Our Lord and Master, You have won
- Our hearts to serve You only!
- Lowly, Holy!
- Great and glorious, all victorious,
- Rich in blessing!
- Rule and might o'er all possessing!
- Lord, when You look on us in love,
- At once there falls from God above
- A ray of purest pleasure.
- Your Word and Spirit, flesh and blood
- Refresh our souls with heav'nly food.
- You are our dearest treasure!
- Let Your mercy
- Warm and cheer us!
- O draw near us!
- For You teach us
- God's own love through You has reached us.
- Almighty Father, in Your Son
- You loved us, when not yet begun
- Was this old earth's foundation!
- Your Son has ransomed us in love
- To live in Him here and above:
- This is Your great salvation.
- Alleluia! Christ the living, to us giving
- Life forever,
- Keeps us Yours
- and fails us never!
- O let the harps break forth in sound!
- Our joy be all with music crowned,
- Our voices gaily blending!
- For Christ goes with us all the way-
- Today, tomorrow, every day!
- His love is never ending!
- Sing out! ring out!
- Jubilation! exultation!
- Tell the story!
- Great is He,
- the King of glory!