231- Bless Be the King
Jesus Christ: Glory and Praise
- Bless be the King whose coming
- Is in the name of God!
- For Him let doors be opened,
- No hearts against Him barred!
- Not robed in royal splendor,
- In power and pomp comes He;
- But clad as are the poorest,
- Such His humility.
- Bless be the King whose coming
- Is in the name of God!
- By those who truly listen
- His voice is truly heard;
- Pity the proud and haughty
- Who have not learned to heed
- The Christ who is the promise,
- Who has atonement made.
- Bless be the King whose coming
- Is in the name of God!
- He only to the humble
- Reveals the face of God
- All power is His, all glory!
- All things are in His hand,
- All ages and all peoples,
- Till time itself shall end.
- Bless be the King whose coming
- Is in the name of God!
- He offers to the burdened
- The rest and grace they need.
- Gentle is He and humbled!
- And light His yoke shall be,
- For He would have us bear it
- So He can make us free!