25- Praise the Lord, His Glories Show
Worship: Adoration and Praise
- Praise the Lord, His glories show,
- Alleluia!
- Saints within His courts below,
- Alleluia!
- Angels 'round His throne above,
- Alleluia!
- All that see and share His love.
- Alleluia!
- Earth to heaven and heaven to earth,
- Alleluia!
- Tell His wonders, sing His worth,
- Alleluia!
- Age to age and shore to shore,
- Alleluia!
- Praise Him, praise Him evermore!
- Alleluia!
- Praise the Lord, His mercies trace,
- Alleluia!
- Praise His providence and grace,
- Alleluia!
- All that He for man hath done,
- Alleluia!
- All He sends us through His Son.
- Alleluia!