34- Wake the Song
Worship: Adoration and Praise
- Wake the song of joy and gladness;
- Hither bring your noblest lays;
- Banish every thought of sadness,
- Pouring forth your highest praise.
- Sing to Him whose care has brought us
- Once again with friends to meet,
- And whose loving voice has taught us
- Of the way to Jesus' feet.
- Wake the song, wake the song,
- The song of joy and gladness,
- Wake the song, wake the song,
- The song of Jubilee.
- Joyfully with songs and banners,
- We will greet the festal day;
- Shout aloud our glad hosannas,
- And our grateful homage pay.
- We will chant our Savior's glory
- While our thoughts we raise above,
- Telling still "the old, old story,"
- Precious theme redeeming love!
- Thanks to Thee, O holy Father,
- For the mercies of the year;
- May each heart, as here we gather,
- Swell with gratitude sincere.
- Thanks to Thee, O loving Savior,
- For redemption through Thy blood.
- Breathe upon us, Holy Spirit,
- Sweetly draw us near to God.