349- God Is Love
Christian Church: Community in Christ
- God is love, and where true love is
- God Himself is there.
- Here in Christ we gather, love of Christ our calling.
- Christ, our love, is with us, gladness be His greeting.
- Let us fear Him, yes, and love Him, God eternal.
- Loving Him, let each love Christ in all his brethren.
- When we Christians gather, members of one body,
- Let there be in us no discord but one spirit.
- Banished now be anger, strife, and every quarrel.
- Christ, our God, be always present here among us.
- Grant us love's fulfillment, joy with all the blessed,
- When we see Your face, O Savior, in its glory.
- Shine on us, O purest Light of all creation,
- Be our bliss while endless ages sing Your praises.