354- Thy Love O God
Christian Church: Community in Christ
- Thy love, O God, has all mankind created,
- And led Thy people to this present hour;
- In Christ we see life's glory consummated;
- Thy Spirit manifests His living power.
- From out the darkness of our hope's frustration,
- From all the broken idols of our pride,
- We turn to seek Thy truth's illumination,
- And find Thy mercy waiting at our side.
- In pity look upon Thy children's striving
- For life and freedom, peace and brotherhood,
- Till at the fullness of Thy truth arriving,
- We find in Christ the crown of every good.
- Inspire Thy church, mid earth's discordant voices,
- To preach the gospel of her Lord above,
- Until the day this warring world rejoices
- To hear the mighty harmonies of love.