
394- Far From All Care

Doctrines: Sabbath


  • Far from all care we hail the Sabbath morning;
  • O'er waving field and from the distant sea
  • Swell notes of praise in harmony resounding
  • As all creation turns her heart to Thee.


  • Though man alone, Lord, of Thy great creation
  • Fails now to laud Thee for Thy love and power,
  • Yet still a remnant love Thee and remember
  • Thy holy law and each sweet Sabbath hour.


  • Lord of the Sabbath, Savior and Creator,
  • Calm now the throbbings of each troubled breast.
  • Speak to our hearts the peace of Thy commandments,
  • Breathe on each soul fair Eden's hallowed rest.


  • Strong in Thy might and quiet in Thy meekness,
  • May we Thine image bear from day to day.
  • Then may we enter pearly gates eternal
  • And sing redemption's song each Sabbath day.