413- God Has Spoken By His Prophets
Doctrines: Spiritual Gifts
- God has spoken by His prophets,
- Spoken His unchanging Word,
- Each from age to age proclaiming
- God, the one, the righteous Lord.
- Mid the world's despair and turmoil,
- One firm anchor holding fast;
- God is King, His throne eternal,
- God the first, and God the last.
- God has spoken by Christ Jesus,
- Christ, the everlasting Son,
- Brightness of the Father's glory,
- With the Father ever one;
- Spoken by the Word incarnate,
- God of God, ere time began,
- Light of light, to earth descending,
- Man, revealing God to man.
- God yet speaks by His own Spirit
- Speaking to the hearts of men,
- In the age-long Word expounding
- God's own message, now as then;
- Through the rise and fall of nations
- One sure faith yet standing fast,
- God is King, His Word unchanging,
- God the first, and God the last.