47- God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven
Worship: Evening Worship
- God, who made the earth and heaven,
- Darkness and light:
- You the day for work have given,
- For rest the night.
- May Your angel guards defend us,
- Slumber sweet Your mercy send us,
- Holy dreams and hopes attend us
- All through the night.
- And when morn again shall call us
- To run life's way,
- May we still, whate'er befall us,
- Your will obey.
- From the pow'r of evil hide us,
- In the narrow pathway guide us,
- Never be Your smile denied us
- All through the day.
- Guard us waking, guard us sleeping,
- And, when we die,
- May we in Your mighty keeping
- All peaceful lie.
- When the trumpet call shall wake us,
- Then, O Lord, do not forsake us,
- But to reign in glory take us
- With You on high.
- Holy Father, throned in heaven,
- All-holy Son,
- Holy Spirit, freely given,
- Blest Three in One:
- Grant us grace, we now implore You,
- Till we lay our crowns before You
- And in worthier strains adore You
- While ages run.