61- God Is Here
Worship: Opening of Worship
- God is here! As we His people
- Meet to offer praise and prayer,
- May we find in fuller measure
- What it is in Christ we share.
- Here, as in the world around us,
- All our varied skills and arts
- Wait the coming of the Spirit
- Into open minds and hearts.
- Here are symbols to remind us
- Of our lifelong need of grace;
- Here are table, font, and pulpit;
- Here the Word has central place.
- Here in honesty of preaching,
- Here in silence, as in speech,
- Here, in newness and renewal,
- God the Spirit comes to each.
- Here our children find a welcome
- In the Shepherd's flock and fold,
- Here, as bread and wine are taken
- Christ sustains us as of old.
- Here the servants of the Servant
- Seek in worship to explore
- What it means in daily living
- To believe and to adore.
- Lord of all, of church and kingdom,
- In age of change and doubt
- Keep us faithful to the gospel,
- Help us work Your purpose out.
- Here, in this day's dedication,
- All we have to give, receive,
- We, who cannot live without You,
- We adore You! we believe!